Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Disaster a nutshell

No one likes to think about things like a disaster, but if you're a business owner, it's one of those topics that you can't afford not to address. It's much like insurance....knowing that your business can survive a disaster, whether that be something as simple as a hard drive failure, or something much more serious, like a fire, flood, or other natural disaster.

Just think of this: Numerous businesses were lost after events like 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina. Other disasters happen each year that literally destroy dozens of businesses, simply because the leaders of the company didn't have an adequate business continuity plan. And that’s where we come in. We use a systematic approach that helps you develop a plan that will allow you sleep at night, knowing that in a worst-case scenario, your business will survive.

Remember, disaster recovery isn’t just about you data and IT resources. There are a myriad of things that need to be planned for and taken into account should a disaster occur. For example, what if your office or storefront was damaged or destroyed by fire. Would your employees know where to go, and what to do, or whether they should even bother to show up? Would you have a plan for telephone service, a way to contact your customers and vendors to keep them apprised of your status? Who would have that information, and who would be responsible for seeing that it was taken care of?

These are just a few examples of things that largely get forgotten until they are needed. Our approach is to take you through every aspect of your business so that should a disaster occur, the right people are doing the right things at the right time, to insure that you are fully functional as quickly as possible.

If you have any questions about our business continuity and disaster recovery planning services, or any of our other IT-related services, contact us at or call our office at 209-368-7700. We look forward to hearing from you.